Do you know what to do if you get sand in your eye? What if someone accidently elbows you in the eye during the game? Here are tips for dealing with some of the most common eye injuries. Remember to act fast and get help from an adult.
If particles, like sand or dust, get into your eyes, don’t...
Résultats de recherche
jeudi 4 juillet 2019
Your eyes are made up of many different parts that work together to help you see. Check out the diagrams below to learn about each part of your eye and what it does.
Macula (MACK-yoo-luh)...
mardi 27 novembre 2018
Nootrogen is the groundbreaking development in Nootropics stacks that requires no prescription. Through extensive clinical studies, research has identified 2 key natural compounds that when consumed together have remarkable effects on the brain and cognitive function. Dimethylaminoethanol and L-Pyroglutamic...
dimanche 23 septembre 2018
If your child has myopia (nearsightedness), you're probably wondering if there is a cure — or at least something that can be done to slow its progression so your child doesn't need stronger glasses year after year.
For years, eye care practitioners and researchers have been wondering the same thing....
Wouldn't it be great if you could correct your eyesight and reduce your dependence on glasses orcontact lenses — without having to undergo eye surgery?
It might sound far-fetched, but it's a reality for many people. It's called orthokeratology, or ortho-k.
Here are the top 10 things you should...